If your next letter was the last thing you would say to your son, or your daughter or to someone else you loved, what would you say?
Join Timothy as he reflects on Paul's second letter to him and the years they travelled and ministered together.
"Timothy - Father to Son" is a 40 min creative presentation of the full text Second Timothy, take from the New International Version.
Experience anew these rich words from father to son.

"Encounters - Changed by Jesus" tells the stories of lives impacted by Jesus of Nazareth. This 45 min creative presentation invites you to take a front row seat in experiencing what happened when certain people crossed paths with the Son of Man.
You first encountered them in the Gospels; encounter them anew today - changed lives, changed destinies.
You never know, they may inspire a change in you too.

Shattered dreams, faithful commitment, unexpected love, and received redemption;
this is a window into the Book of Ruth.
“Ruth - Loss to Redemption” is a 40 min creative presentation of the full text of Ruth from the New International Version.
Catch a glimpse into the heart of the Book of Ruth and God’s heart of redemption. Experience a story that brings life to all.

This one man play captures the story of the Apostle Paul's letter to the church in Philippi. Through the gentle character of an absentminded Professor and his enthusiastic assistant Colin, Philippians comes to life in our hearts and our minds.
"Philippians - Message of Joy" is a creative presentation of the full text of Philippians from the New International Version, authorized by the International Bible Society. Touching on the many great themes in Paul's letter, and running for 40 minutes, we are taken on a journey discovering some of the historical background for the letter and then a recitation of the letter itself. Humorous and thoughtful, this is a story all can appreciate.

James, Jesus’ half-brother, writes to Christians scattered across the Mediterranean World with the challenge that genuine faith should make a difference in how they live. Blending stories of James’ youth, his reluctance to accept Jesus as the Messiah, and his role as a leader in the now scattered church, the story and full text of the letter of James unfolds before us.
Quoting from the New International Version and running for 35 min, it is well suited for a Sunday worship service, classroom, retreat, bible study or community event. Come experience this one man play and discover the struggles and victories that led James to declare a “Faith that Works!”

This energetic work portrays the wisdom and glory of the Psalms as experienced by “Mumbles”’ a carefree and colourful homeless man.
The actual text of selected Psalms, lively theatre, and 4491 cm of clothesline combine to presents Psalms like never before.
Quoting from 14 versions of the Bible and running for 45 min, this story is well suited for a Sunday worship service, Bible study, classroom, retreat, or community event.
Poetry for the body, soul and spirit; watch, listen and shout as the Psalms come alive.

JONAH - GOD SAID GO 30 minutes
Disobedience and wickedness; graciousness and compassion; wind, storm, and a large aquatic creature. These elements combine to unfold one of the best known stories in the Old Testament.
“Jonah - God said Go” is a 30 min creative presentation of the full text of Jonah from the NIV, with some added splashes of life.
For young and old, this is a story that will swallow you whole. Ideally suited for a Sunday morning worship service, classroom, retreat, Bible study or community event.... Book a performance today.
Come on, take the plunge!

“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is Dan Ratheropoulos the 3rd reporting live for the Nazareth National News...”
And so begins this 40 minute one-man dramatic telling of the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Woven into selected text from Matthew’s Gospel (NIV) are first-hand accounts from witnesses who were present during this time of eternal consequence.
Whether in a Sunday morning worship service, classroom, retreat, Bible study, or community event, “Alive - The Easter Report” will bring this story to life.

“For to us a child is born ...” These words foretold by the Prophet Isaiah came to substance in an animal shelter on an ordinary day in a small town in Judea.
In this one-man dramatic story, hear from some of those who had firsthand experience of that history-splitting day. Running for 40 minutes and quoting from the Gospels (NIV) of Matthew and Luke the age old story is told.
Emmanuel, God with us; the birth that saved the world.

Who do you serve - Caesar or Christ? And what is this mystery Paul keeps talking about in his letter to the Colossians?
“Colossians - Proclaiming the Kingdom” skillfully weaves the full text of Paul’s letter (TNIV) around the story of Marcus, a first century believer, who has to deal with the consequence of living a Christ-centered life in a Caesar-controlled society.”
This 40 minute dramatic story is adapted from “Colossians Remixed” by Brian J Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat, published by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, Il 60515 and used by permission.
“Colossians - Proclaiming the Kingdom” creatively brings Paul’s letter to life.

Join the absentminded Professor (if he ever remembers to show up) and his enthusiastic teaching assistant Colin, as Paul’s letter to the Galatians comes to life.
“Galatians - Gospel of Grace” is a 50 min creative presentation of the full text of Galatians from the NIV, with some historical background thrown into the mix. We are invited to experience Paul’s response to the Galatian church’s crisis as he masterfully places Christ at the intersection between Law and Grace.
Engaging and thoughtful, this is a story all can appreciate. Ideally suited for a Sunday morning worship service, classroom, retreat, Bible study or community event.... Book a performance today.

This Collection of short works explores themes of perseverance, identity, forgiveness, commitment and more. Some are silent; some use music; some are spoken; some are funny; some are challenging: all come from life. Each piece stands alone or can be linked together; they can serve as a devotional, a sermon introduction or a message.
Invitation - 6 min
Have you ever been to an open air market? Can you see the colours? Can you smell the scents? Listen, can you hear the voice calling out “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters.” Invitation takes you to a place where the full text of Isaiah 55 is presented.
Forgiven - 5 min
“I was a thief, but now I am forgiven.” With those words, the man who had little in common with “the king of the Jews” who hung next to him on a cross, died. This is the spoken story of the criminal from Luke 23 whose ridiculous request was granted.
Surrender - 5 min
Have you ever been walking down the street, minding your own business, when you hear God call your name? This silent piece tells the story of one such meeting.
Where It All Begins created by Ang Moore - 4 min
“If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Cor 5:17. Set to music, this piece depicts through robotic movement, the transformation from old to new.
The Song of the King by Max Lucado 5 - 10 min
This allegory tells of three knights who go on a deadly journey through Hemlock forest to prove their worthiness to win the hand of the princess. The one who is able to follow the “song of the King” will be the victor. 2 Cor 3:17
Off The Wall - 5 min
The saying “you can’t get there from here” did not stop the persistent individual in this silent story. James 1:2, Phil 3:13,14
Lunch Time (from You’re a Good Man ... by Clark Gesner) - 4 min
“I think lunch time is about the worst time of the day for me..” This spoken piece is a fun and gentle look at loneliness, belonging and identity.
A Man Dies by Patrick Brannan and John Wason - 3 min
This poem asks the question “what’s all the fuss about?” when a man from Nazareth, who the people wanted to make king, acted in a radically different way.
62 - 4 min
A man in the autumn of his life declares the truth of Psalm 62, as translated by Eugene Peterson. (A version of 62 is included in “Psalms - Inspiration for Life”)
Help Yourself - 4 min
God has set before us a huge banquet table and has invited us to “help yourself”. Set to music by Canadian musician Steve Bell, the truth of Psalm 23 is stumbled upon by a colourful homeless man. (Help Yourself is included in “Psalms - Inspiration for Life”)
Who Was He? (Includes work by Gayle Erwin) - 10 min
This spoken piece weaves together the events of the triumphal entry, the crucifixion, the resurrection and Isaiah 53 as seen through the eyes of a questioning bystander.
Safe And Sound - 5 min
This fun mime piece follows the exploits of a thief at work.
Spray If You Can - 5 min
This fun mime piece sees a diligent policeman who is out walking his beat, and a youth with entirely too much time on his hands, come face to face over a can of spray paint. Fluorescent green , I think.
Up, Up and Away - 5 min
A man is pitted against the elemental forces of a balloon in this piece of physical comedy.
Are You Going to Help Me? by Mark Hansen - 5 min
This is a telling of the story of a father’s search for his son during the 1989 earthquake in Armenia, east of Turkey.
I Know - 5 min
Set to music by Nicole C. Mullen, this movement piece declares the Kingdom of God. There is also a Christmas version of “I Know” set to music by CeCe Winans. Rom 8:35 - 39
Joseph’s Letter Home by Dr Ralph F. Wilson - 9 min
Listen in as Joseph shares with his mother some of the events leading up to his marriage to Mary.